DCI Web Apps

Black woman sits on a couch in a coworking space looking at her Macbook

Upgrade your website’s interactivity with economic development and talent attraction software.

DCI’s web application tools provide comprehensive, interactive, personalized data to help businesses and talent discover the benefits of doing business, living and working in communities across the U.S. This economic development software has been developed based on our national research and is built upon proprietary DCI and Google Developer Tools.

Our web applications are available for usage via an annual subscription, with all ownership, intellectual property and proprietary rights remaining with DCI. Our development team will actively maintain the tools and provide security updates, ensuring that the apps work flawlessly to deliver accurate content for your talent website visitors.

Get in Touch

Interested to learn more about DCI's impactful and easy-to-use web applications? Let's connect!

Shanleigh McStay

Director, Digital Strategy
[email protected] Let's Connect