JAXUSA Partnership
Jacksonville, Florida, brings in waves of talent from high-cost markets.
From beaches and craft beer to job opportunities and prime real estate, The city of Jacksonville in Northeast Florida had plenty to offer talent. After launching a new talent attraction website, JAXUSA Partnership turned to DCI to boost metrics and drive traffic to its site.
The Challenge
JAXUSA Partnership, Jacksonville’s economic development arm, had just completed its new talent attraction-dedicated website to profile the city’s career and lifestyle opportunities. It emphasized its great neighborhoods and superb quality of life while featuring interactive tools like a cost-of-living calculator and cheeky neighborhood finder. But how were people going to find the new site, and how was Jacksonville going to elevate its own reputation among professionally minded talent?
The Solution
DCI developed a paid media master plan that focused on two primary demographics of workforce development: those living in higher-cost markets and wanting to take home more of their paycheck, and those in nearby “feeder” markets that were looking for a career change. Using first-hand research on what motivates talent to relocate, DCI targeted both segments across search, social and display.
The Results
and 9,700 conversions brought to the site through DCI’s efforts.
and a channel conversion rate over 32% from Google Search Ads.
and 24% conversion rate boosted the site’s cost of living calculator.
Between the website and advertising campaigns from DCI, people are taking notice of the perfect blend of character, scenery and opportunity here, and finding their JAX in the process.
Former Director of Marketing JAXUSA Partnership