Curtin Call: March 2024
March 29, 2024Another month has flown by, and with it, countless articles and trend reports that we busy place makers may have missed. Rather than turn the page immediately into April, it’s time to revisit some of March’s highlights in this month’s Curtin Call.
Join me in looking back at some of the research and trends that place makers in the economic development and talent attraction industries might find of value. Cue the spotlight before these links take their final bow!
1. On the ZIP Code Shift
It may not come as a surprise to anyone working remotely—and there are a lot of us—but The New York Times reported new stats that show how workers are living twice as far from the office than before 2020. It’s an interesting deep dive into understanding the nuances of this new reality we live—and work in—thanks to the pandemic. Interesting content especially for those building talent attraction campaigns.
2. On Child Care
With childcare costs ticking above $10,000, employers are realizing the imperative to respond. This article from Site Selection Magazine looks at how chip makers are taking the necessary steps to provide parents the support they need to raise a family and build their careers with “world class” childcare. As a working mom of four, I especially love this direction!
3. On Commercial Real Estate
This piece in The New York Times breaks down today’s challenges with commercial real estate, a problem that’s been brewing ever since remote work has pushed many companies out of their urban offices. Spoiler alert: It’s not getting better.
It was the line in this piece that read, “Major metropolitan centers are already preparing for the worst,” that really grabbed my attention. Check out this story to find out exactly why.
4. On $1 Homes
As cities around the country seek innovative approaches to real estate challenges—including vacant houses—this Business Insider article about Baltimore stood out to me. We’ve seen this happen in recent years in Italy, so it’s interesting to see it happening now in the U.S.
Even more interesting is that Baltimore tried this innovative approach in the 1970s, so read on to find out what’s different this time around.
5. On Marketing and Growth
While not specific to economic development, I believe it’s important to take ideas and inspiration from resources outside our own industry—plus who doesn’t appreciate an article from the Harvard Business Review?
There are some great insights here about the importance of marketing to any growth strategy, including of course, economic development and EDOs.
6. On Job Opportunities in Economic Development
While our friends at Jorgenson Consulting are the true pros at executive recruiting for top jobs in economic development, our clients regularly ask for our help in spreading the word about openings at their organizations. In that spirit, here are a few of the jobs currently open across America:
- Clark County is seeking a Senior Economic Development Specialist
- Tulsa Chamber is hiring a Senior Vice President of Economic Development
- Colorado Springs wants a new Director, Marketing and Communications
- Virginia Economic Development Partnership is looking for a Managing Director, Communications
- Miami Dade is seeking a Chief Business Development
- Pennsylvania needs a new Deputy Secretary and Chief Commercial Officer
Hope this handful of content and good reads is of value as we wrap up the month of March. Contact Julie Curtin at to learn more about partnering with our agency. We bring more than 60 years of economic development expertise to position your community for investment and talent attraction.