Capturing the Canadian Consumer 2023

Insights into the Path to Purchase for Canadian Travelers
Third Edition
USD $660.00
As Canadians view COVID-19 in the rearview mirror and are confronted with new social, political and economic conditions, gaining insights on how and why Canadians travel internationally has never been more important.
The findings of this study take a deep dive into the habits and preferences along a Canadian traveler’s “path to purchase” for international leisure travel. This study also delves into the preferences and behaviors of affluent Canadian travelers, a segment with historically limited research. Additionally, it delineates differences between predominantly French-speaking and English-speaking travelers.
The study explores the preferences of Canada’s consumers holistically, including responses from:
- 1,500 Canadian residents, a sample statistically representative of Canada’s population
- Those who have traveled internationally within the previous 18 months
- 500+ responses from households with incomes of $250,000+
- Both French and English-speaking respondents
The full report offers substantial data concerning facets of Canadian travel habits, with topics including, but not limited to:
- What destinations Canadians are most interested in?
- Which platforms they use to conduct their research?
- How they’ll travel – car, short haul, long haul
- How they will allocate their travel spend
- What types of experiences are they seeking
Have a question about this study or other custom research? Reach out to Robyn Domber at