Why LinkedIn for Economic Development? New Data, More Reasons to Leverage

February 13, 2023
Facade of modern, glass LinkedIn office building.

The latest and greatest data from LinkedIn has arrived!

We already know it’s a valuable tool for our clients thanks to our Winning Strategies report that highlights how LinkedIn is the preferred social media channel for corporate executives, but new metrics from the platform help make the case as to why.

Some highlights:

Consistency matters
LinkedIn Pages that post weekly have 5.6x more followers than Pages that post monthly, and their following grows 7x faster than Pages that post monthly.

Reaching more users 
LinkedIn members are viewing 22% more Feed Updates in 2022 year over year (YoY). Additionally, between June 2020 and June 2022, LinkedIn members shared 25% more public content YoY.

Brand presence is important
40%of LinkedIn visitors engage with a Page organically every week.

Elevating brand perception
After their adswere seen on theLinkedInplatform, brands were seen to be:

  • higher quality
  • 92% more professional
  • 74% more intelligent
  • 59% more respectable

Here at DCI our content marketing and digital advertising team often evangelizes the use of LinkedIn for economic development to reach corporate executives through organic and paid efforts. We offer coaching for your executive and business development team on how their profiles can be optimized with recommendations related to posting cadence and thought leadership. We create organic and paid content for our economic development clients to help elevate messaging around doing business in a location. And we can also target executives directly with your message to help you land more leads.

Interested in how you can better leverage yourLinkedIn profile for the economic development industry to generate more conversations and elevate your brand? Contact DCI to learn more.

See the full report here.  

Headshot photo of Susan Brake
Written by

Susan Brake
