DCI's Team

DCI's 90-person staff pose with their arms in the air and big smiles across their faces at the January retreat.
DCIs partner team stand, framed by flowers for a group shot

With a staff of more than 75 talented people, DCI has built the largest assembly of place marketing professionals in the world.

What started as a humble yet ambitious team in 1960’s New York City has grown into a dynamic staff of nearly 100 individuals working from across North America. DCI’s tourism, talent attraction and economic development marketing teams have the skills to create strategic campaigns to attract new business, talent and visitors to your destination.


Andy Levine Chairman
Julie Curtin headshot
Julie Curtin President, Economic Development Practice
Karyl Leigh Barnes President, Tourism Practice
headshot of Daniella Middletone
Daniella Middleton Partner
Headshot photo of Susan Brake
Susan Brake Partner

Get in Touch

Interested in how DCI collaborates with our clients to increase visitors and business inquiries?
Contact DCI