Pittsburgh Regional Alliance

DCI teamed up with this Pittsburgh organization to increase awareness of this dynamic region.
The Pittsburgh Regional Alliance sought to elevate their new brand by ensuring it was seen by business-decision makers during their site selection process. DCI used a search engine optimization and paid media marketing strategy to achieve their goals.
The Challenge
The region needed to increase awareness of their new brand and Pittsburgh’s economic development assets amongst their target audience of business owners, decision-makers and site advisors, particularly their online presence. The question, however, was how to stand out from all the other regional offers that existed? Pittsburgh needed a sharp, high-quality marketing strategy to cut through the noise of its competitors and reach potential customers.
The Solution
DCI chose both conversion-centered search marketing channels as well as brand-building and SEO tools. Our digital advertising economic development campaign used Google search and social media advertising in addition to Wall Street Journal and Fortune sponsorships to increase brand awareness. Paid efforts paired with a business development SEO strategy. DCI’s SEO experts used their know-how to conduct keyword research and create new website content and on-page optimizations to improve SERP rankings and organic traffic. Together, this PPC and SEO work helped elevate the region in both paid and organic search queries.
The Results
from digital ad campaigns on Google and LinkedIn, outperforming industry Click Through Rate benchmark.
and 6,400 sessions from WSJ-sponsored ad metrics.
through implementing good SEO practices on Pittsburgh’s web pages and creating new quality content. Top 3 search engine rankings also rose 740% and first page rankings by 942%.