One Columbus

One Columbus logo

While implementing ABM strategy, DCI increased awareness for Columbus’s economic development.

Columbus economic development boomed, but it needed new marketing approaches to share its message. It entered a new era of strategic growth and economic success with new opportunities to tell the community’s story for better lead generation through an account-based marketing campaign.

The Challenge

The One Columbus economic development organization is one of the top in the country. As it evolved, leaders were looking for marketing efforts to elevate its business development efforts and generate higher-quality investment opportunities in strategic growth industries. New, innovative B2B marketing and storytelling initiatives were needed to get that message out there and to connect with relevant target audiences and decision makers who could benefit from creating new business in Columbus.

The Solution

DCI created data-driven and story-driven marketing tactics showcasing the Columbus Region’s business ecosystem, its assets for economic development and its partners. The DCI marketing team created a national and international public relations program, closely aligning with an evolving account-based marketing strategy and personalized content and landing pages for their news hub. In the ABM program, we identified tremendous opportunities to elevate the Columbus Region’s brand awareness and messaging as well as Ohio’s economic development incentives amongst high-value accounts, including key decision-makers like corporate executives, site selectors and top talent.

The Results

  • 26 Top-Tier

    and feature stories in outlets like CNBC, and Bloomberg.

  • 13 Meetings

    secured through successful ABM campaign which reached target account lists through direct mail outreach, LinkedIn and Google ad campaigns and display ads, including a $1 billion qualified lead.

  • 1 Billion Impressions

    secured from 100+ high-quality stories in local, trade, national and international media.

Get in Touch

Interested in how DCI collaborates with our clients to increase visitors and business inquiries?
Contact DCI